Tips for Tree Care During Summer in Marietta, GA

Summer tree care will ensure that your landscape looks healthy. Before you can properly care for them, you must know what are their needs, such as, how much water does your tree needs during the hot season.

Trees also become thirsty. Whether you have simple maple trees in your front or backyard, it is best that you give them proper care and attention it deserves to give you a green and luscious beauty.

Whether you need to tree your trees, water your trees or control pests in and around your trees, we have the information that you need.


Learn the Top Six Summer Tree Care Tips to Keep your Landscape Beautiful



Even if you did not mulch around your trees last spring, it is not too late to do it now. Mulching is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your trees are healthy.

Mulching helps to cut down on weeds, help to regulate soil temperatures and conserve moisture levels in the soil. You should apply three to four inches of hardwood mulch around your trees.

For best results, place mulch in a doughnut shape around the base. Avoid placing mulch against the tree trunk because it can promote insect damage and disease.



During the summer, the weather can become hot and dry, which means that you may need to water your trees, especially if you have recently planted them or they are young.

summer tree care by a Little girlTrees require approximately one inch of water weekly during the growing season.

When you water, it is best to water deeply because shallow watering cause shallow roots to form.

Shallow roots require more frequent watering and result in weaker trees, thus, summer tree care is essential.



Another important thing for summer tree care is proper fertilization. In order to promote foliage and tree grown the tree must be properly fertilized.

In addition to this, fertilization helps the tree defend itself against disease and pests. Fertilization is imperative in high-stress areas like urban environments.



Tree pruning combines art and science. Most of your tree trimming should be done while the tree is dormant; however, there are times when pruning should be done in the summer.

For example, if your tree has any damage, dead or diseased branches, those branches should immediately be removed to help ensure the health and safety of your trees.

Secondly, trees that flower during the spring should be pruned once they bloom. These type of trees include lilacs, flowering cherries, and magnolias.

Finally, remember that larger trees should only be pruned by professional tree service.


Pest Inspections

Examine your trees for any type of pest infestations throughout the summer months.

Most insects will not harm trees; however, there are some pests that can damage your trees. Routine inspections can help you catch infestations early so you are better able to control them.

Pests like Japanese beetles, bagworms, aphids, spider mites and magnolia scale typically occur during the summer months.

Visit your local cooperative extension service or a certified arborist to help you identify tree pests.


Storm Damage PreventionSCS Trees Service professionals. Summer tree care experts

During the summertime, thunderstorms and heavy winds can occur.

To help protect your property, contact the leading tree service in Georgia to determine the safety of large trees around your yard. Weak limbs may need to be removed, braced or cabled to prevent further damage.

The six tips above will help to ensure that your trees are healthy and strong.

Don’t be shy, we got you covered.